TwinStream™ Multi Mode Respirator for tubeless jet laryngoscopy, jet bronchoscopy, jet tracheoscopy and all types of jet ventilation in the fields of surgery and intensive medicine. TwinStream™ is the first microprocessor-driven Superimposed High-frequency Jet ventilation apparatus and sets an entirely new standard in the jet ventilation technique.
TwinStream™ is predestined for use especially in laryngeal micro- and laser surgery, for tracheal stent application and resection of the trachea. A comprehensive range of synchronised TwinStream™ accessories are available for this purpose.
Twinstream™ consists of two separately or simultaneously operating ventilation units. In superimposed jet ventilation (SHFJV®), jet ventilation of normal frequency and high frequency is conducted simultaneously. In addition, Twinstream™ permits ventilation at two different pressure plateaus. The level of the pressure plateau as well as the duration of inspiration and expiration can be selected. Thus, oxygenation as well as CO2 elimination can be regulated efficiently.
Measurements on the lung model have clearly shown that an adequate respiratory displacement volume, especially in cases of limited lung compliance, can only be achieved by a combination of low- and high-frequency jet ventilation.
Link to Carl Reiner TwinStream Official Site
The Lung-protective Ventilation in Intensive Care for acute ill patients.
Offers oxygenation and ventilation with unsurpassed efficiency and safety. It is the only system on the market to offer pulsatile Bi-Level Ventilation p-BLV™. The p-BLV™ module generates a pulsatile gas column. This facilitates optimal gas exchange, respiratory gas conditioning and transmission of the pressure wave amplitude into the lung. This represents a significant advantage over conventional ventilation systems.
TwinStream™ ICU with provides the best ventilation method for patients with:
Link to Carl Reiner TwinStream ICU Official Site